PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds

PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds: Solid Start to an Already Fantastic Game


Trinity Gamers Review of PuBg

This is a Trinity Gamers review of PlayerUnknown Battlergrounds or PubG for the folks who have had the opportunity to play and learn the lingo. PuBg, a fully immersive battle royal FPS that will have you on edge from the second the game is loaded. The Trinity Gamers team fully recommends getting your hands on this game quick.  Before it hits full release as it will likely go up in price.



Trinity Gamers Review PubG

When you first enter the game you spend some time customizing your character. The customization process is relatively simple and only takes a few moments.  I imagine in the future the developers will incorporate additional looks. For now the choices are relatively limited. There are 3 different skin colors, 6 different faces and a few different hair types. All in all this process is nowhere near as in depth as most game customization features.  A large majority of the character customization comes from the clothing. As you play you earn crates that have different articles of clothing in them so you can play dress up as much as you like.  Its like the barbie dream closet with guns.



Once you have completed your character you can enter your choice of games.  The options are solo, duo, trio and squad game types both on 3rd person and first person servers. its recommended to hit the solo queue for awhile to get used to the game.


Now that you’ve entered a match you are placed into queue on a landing strip with 100 other players. All these players are vying to be dubbed the last man standing. It can be argued that this is the worst part of the game. Players are held in this waiting place for what seems like eternity. By default all players will have all voice channels turned on.  This essentially means you are listening to 90 12 year old kids screaming obscenities into the mic at pitches you didn’t know existed.  Pro-tip: at Trinity Gamers we shut that crap off in your sounds settings under the voice chat options.  Once the staging section is completed you will be placed into a perfectly good airplane which for some reason you make the decision to jump out of.


Trinity Gamers Review PubG




Congratulations! having survived the immortal torture of every single pre-teen in game taking out their “rage” in the form of scream derogatory remarks into the microphone you are ready.  Players can finally start to plot each other demise.  The map is designed to show you specific markers,  the yellow areas are buildings, these buildings hold guns, ammo, and equipment.  You want to be sure you are getting into a building and fast.  Once you have identified a landing position you will be making your jump in order to get as close as possible. This is where the adrenaline starts pumping,  from this point forward you are a target. Once a player jumps from the plane they can effectively move up to 1.5km from that point in any direction (essentially one and a half big yellow squares on the map)

Trinity Gamers Review PubG


the game from here becomes what you make of it.   Be the first to loot, shoot and scoot before you end up someone’s sites.  With 100 other people out there attempting to get a shot a you there is a significant need to keep your head on a swivel.  If you fail you may end up back in the lobby before you know it.  Games can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes depending on how well you do. In our experiences, so far, every second of that you are on pins and needles.

Check out PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds Here

Overall Comments

You can tell that the game is still in development.  There are a number of clipping issues that you will come across and some pieces of the game feel clunky. This happens especially when attempting to perform actions quickly.  With that said it is still in development and this is just an early access. I was pleasantly surprised with how well the game played.  Every match is completely randomized from the loot you get,  to the flight path that the original plane takes. As the play area shrinks you never know where the next safe zone will be.  It keeps you on your toes,  it will keep your senses engaged and it will certainly  keep you entertained for hours.



Video Review and game play coming soon!


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Trinity Gamers Team