Destiny 2

Destiny 2

The Best Single Player MMO I Have Played

Destiny 2


It’s here,  It’s finally here!  This was my chant October 24th 2017 when Destiny was released on PC. Since I took a few steps back from World of Warcraft I have searched for a massive multiplayer game that could fill that void. For the next 5 days I would set aside time to immerse myself in an experience that I was certain could do just that.  Sadly I was left wanting more…a lot more.

Second to None…For a Short Time

From a game play and story perspective Destiny 2 brings you on a journey that will have you gaming until late into the night.   The story line is very engaging, even if it was a little short.  The controls and game play are challenging enough that it will keep a highly skilled gamer engaged without alienating the more casual gamer.  It is clear that Bungie hangs its hat on production quality,  the graphics and cut scenes in the game are incredible. The voice acting and scripting were some of the best I have experienced in any video game.  With all that being said there is really only about 8 hours of story in the game right now. I imagine that in the future there will be additional content to expand upon the current story. For now you will have to live with running random patrols and strikes until it is released.

Knock Knock, Who’s There…Nobody

Ok,  so remember 3 seconds ago when I mentioned I was looking for a MMO…This is not it.  Destiny falls flat on its face from a social interactions perspective.  It is very clear that this game is a console port onto PC.  The chat interface is “so minimal” that you wont even notice it…No really you don’t know its there unless someone tells you it is.  Can’t find that FireSquad or Clan invite I sent you,  its OK neither can anybody else!  its a constant game of Wheres Waldo when it comes to interacting with other players in Destiny.  The best advice I can give you from a social interaction perspective on this game,  get discord.

Now What Do I Do?

Congratulations guardian, you have just defeated Gaul!  What are you gonna do next? The answer is grind!  Grind out gear until you hit power level 280-300 and then you do it all over again on a different class.  This is where I am pretty sure that Destiny is going to lose it player base quickly.  Once you have completed the main story everything else feels very disconnected and busy. you just run around, shoot things and loot. With all that said I cannot speak for the “Raid Content”  yet because I have not participated in one.  Here is to hoping that it is a tad more engaging.

Thoughts of a Guardian

Overall I did really enjoy story play through.  it was engaging enough to get me to play through it in the first week.  It does take a sharp and drastic fall as soon as you are out of the story mode though.  Granted the game was just released 6 days ago and there is still plenty of room for it to expand and become a fantastic first person MMO.  The curse of being an early adopter I guess!  I plan to continue with it for awhile, experience the raid content, hit the max power lvl.  We will see how it goes.



Ignatio, Trinity Gamers