Have Mercy…The Nerf Heard Round the World

Mercy Main Grief Counseling Offered…Tomorrow



Well it looks like the all-mighty Jeff Kaplan wielded his Mjolnir version of the nerf hammer. He once again smacked every Mercy main in the face with the blunt end.  Blizzard announced that as of 1/30/18 the new Mercy nerfs would be live in the production client of Overwatch.  Now for anybody who does not know what these nerfs are allow me to recap.

  • Valkyrie
    • Resurrect is no longer instant
    • No longer grants you additional charges of Resurrect
    • Speed Bonus of Guardian Angel has been decreased by 50%
    • Valkyrie duration has been reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

Now lets be honest here…This moves Mercy from a absolute must pick hero to an almost always must pick hero. Remember she is still the highest healing output in the game. Her Resurrect ability in any situation is and always will be an incredibly strong ability to have. Essentially it makes every team fight a 6V5 if the other team is not rocking a Mercy. You will almost always need to kill at least one hero twice.  Though I do feel for all the Mercy players out there I agree the nerf was a needed step. Its balancing the hero pool and I look forward to how it may effect the meta.  I do believe that the reduction in movement speed while in Guardian Angel is rough. It will greatly effect her value while playing against a skilled Widowmaker.  I would expect to see less of her in the GM/Pro level matches but she will still be a very strong pick in every other tier of play.

Boom Goes his Dynamite!

With that said another hero greatly effecting the meta in my level of play also received a much needed nerf.  from this day forward Junkrat mains will be required to actually aim, I know its a ridiculous right but,  Blizzard has reduced the area of effect on Junkrat’s concussive mines so no more getting one-shot by a mine that blew up 40 feet from you.

Let me know your thoughts on the nerf!!!

Ignatio – Trinity Gamers