Save Our Ship….Yarrrrrr

Sea of Thieves Sinking Quickly


We May Need a Bigger Bucket

Sea of Thieves was released this month and since its release it as become one of the fastest selling Xbox releases to date.  Unfortunately, at least right now, it may also become a vessel doomed for Davy Jones’ Locker.  Sea of Thieves in concept is an amazing game, sail a gigantic open world map as a pirate doing pirate things. Finding riches, fighting off other pirates and defeating the skeletons of sailors past. Here in lies the problem,  that concept is all you do in Sea of Thieves. There are no clear objectives to keep you coming back to the game.  The team at Rare need to implement some story, and some valuable content very soon before their player base is loaded in an cannon and shot to sea.

Shake That Booty

Collecting gold to purchase new clothing and items for purely cosmetic reason is the only reward in Sea of Thieves.  There are a number of different items for purchase from a dirty eye patch to a elegant gold plated Hurdy Gurdy.  This is truly the only draw to keep you coming back to Sea of Thieves. As much fun as it is to purchase your first really big pirate hat.  There are only so many clothes you can put on before it gets boring. There is also no drop mechanics in the game,  100% of everything you acquire is through the gold you earn on the missions. Last but certainly not least, quite possibly the biggest slight to the pirate world in this game.  I see no way so far that I can obtain a parrot or monkey as a pet!!!  how can this be?

A Diamond in the Rough

In its current state there is no way I would spend $60 for Sea of Thieves.  With that said there is a significant amount of potential that exists within Sea of Thieves.  The game is built on the Unreal Engine which provides a ton of graphical upside. This is by far one of the most beautiful games I have had the chance to play. You can tell the developer has put a lot of time and effort in designing the world. If Rare can quickly get some new content out that keeps players coming back for things other than expensive useless trinkets I think this game could be an amazing. It just feels very unpolished right now.


What are your thoughts?
